Subject: FINALE and big ol' SPOILERS From: (Jeffrey D Williamson) Date: 1991-06-10, 20:15 Newsgroups: Oh, wow. I can't do a CTRL-L. Suffer. That was intense. I know a lot of you are going to be disappointed, since this was supposed to be the big finale. But I have some advice for you. Just look at this episode as if it were the *season* finale for Season 2, then think about what would be happening next fall (or in the theatrical release, Lynch willing). Oh, wow. The first half was just like the standard TP episode, with standard cliffhanger. But God. *shiver* I was looking for some big spiritual convergence ("tell him about the twinkie"), and that's what there was: Laura, Maddy, Leland, TMFAP, the Giant, Sen~or Drool Cup, BOB, Windom, Carolyne, Annie, the whole crew is here. Damn good show. And hot too. I refuse to think about the mundane activities in the town, but I must say that when Thomas' "gift" turned out to be a box for a key, I thought briefly, "Trap?" Audrey blowed up? *wah!* Since Cooper is BOB-possessed, I see it as Major Briggs' duty to rescue him. After all, "I am waiting for you." That ending has to be the most frightening scene on this show since BOB in a boxcar earlier this season! "How's Annie? How's Annie? How's Annie?" *SHUDDER* --Jeff W. ( "Doppelganger."