Subject: finale ( no spoilers, just opinions) From: (Mike Reddig) Date: 1991-06-10, 20:14 Newsgroups: If that is a series finale someone should shoot Lynch and Frost. Nothing was tied up, things are now more in the air than ever before and I definitely feel cheated. I guess now I'll just have to wait for a movie, and there had better be one. P.S. - I think that this finale would be a very intense experience on acid. Anybody watch it in such an altered state? Now I don't want to say the show was bad, it had some of the best imagery yet and I was on the edge of my seat for most all of it. But still.... -- Bleeding Head Good, Healed Head Bad | Doktor Mike Reddig RSVP IOU PDQ Can you afford to ignore this?????? | Alan McDavis of Aberdeen Catalytic Brain Cell loss in seconds| BP the Invincible Subgenii must have slack and/or kill|