Subject: Fiona = Mark Frost ? From: (Rocky J Giovinazzo) Date: 1991-06-11, 23:02 Newsgroups: Ok-- how many think Fiona Oceanstar is really working for Lynch/Frost Productions? First we find out that she's writing for the Gazette. A sure sign that she's an "insider" in the world of TP. No mortal could actually come up with an acceptable TP article, right? Then she starts talking about this crazy alleged Rolling Stone article. Yeah, right. She asks us all kinds of questions about theories behind TP and how we think it might end / should end. So what happens? Some brilliant net creature comes up with a good outline of the WE vs. Cooper plot tied in with Annie and ends it with a Coop-sees-BOB-in-the-mirror-of-his-hotel-room scene, and the next thing we know, the 6/10 episode roughly follows the same plot. What happened to the article? Yeah, sure she got sick-- What really happened is that L/F wanted to get a feel for us fans' understanding of the show and find a suitable ending. All part of the master plan, right Fiona? Or should I say, Mr. Frost (which can found scrambled in your name.) Who ever heard of a name like Fiona Oceanstar anyway? (or Rocky Giovinazzo for that matter). Purely theatrical. We're onto you now. Since the truth is out, you're going to have to come up with some good answers. We want facts! When is the movie coming out and is TP-on-pay-cable out of the question yet? big-smiley-face-ly yours, Rocky Giovinazzo So