Subject: Re: Cooper sold his soul? From: (Jeff Martin) Date: 1991-06-11, 14:10 Newsgroups: Reply-to: In article , (Tom Sullivan) writes... > >What about Cooper saying "I Will" to Windom Earle's request to him > >about trading his soul for Annie's life? Is THIS why Bob now has > >Cooper? Note that Bob popped right in at that point, but mentioned > >that Windom had overstepped his "authority"...Hmmmm...... Yes! As a netter noticed (try saying THAT five times fast!), WE did not have the authority but BoB DID! I think Coop really lost it when he *ran* from his darker side instead of confronting it. When it caught him, it overpowered him and replaced him in the real world. The combination of these two things ("I will" and running/being caught) caused Coop to fail the "test" By the way... I knew...i KNew....I KNEW!...Annie was going to get Coop in trouble. I KNEW IT !!!! COOP drop ANNIE!! (you should've done it along time ago bud) Now we have CooBob to deal with. ----------------- One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Vice President, and that one word is 'to be prepared.' --- Vice President Dan Quayle -----------------