Subject: Re: David Lynch... Let me shake your hand! From: (Fiona Oceanstar) Date: 1991-06-11, 18:36 Newsgroups: John Meyers writes a great posting, very entertaining, about his reactions to the show, and says > > Okay, the ending. If this were a cliffhanger, it would be great ending. > >We would be spellbound all summer, waiting to find out what happens. But > >assuming Lynch knew that the show was over by this time... > > > >... IT WOULD BE AN EVEN BETTER ENDING! When Coop was in bed and was told > >Annie was Ok, I thought "oh boy, another wishy-washy ending. How predictable." > >Of course, just seeing that Coop was near a mirror was enough to give the > >secret away, but not the ending. I'm sorry if you don't agree with me, but > >doesn't it get boring when everything concludes with a happy ending? Now we > >are left to our imagination on a world with an evil Cooper. Mind boggling... Mind-boggling indeed! I hope it boggles Lynch's mind--enough to keep him churning out TP movies for some time to come. :-) (Let's start thinking of titles for those movies, y'all.) But an evil Cooper is not the *only* thing I imagine! I also imagine: --as a result of multiple spider bites, Leo goes insane and is hospitalized, but when he is put on Haloperidol, he turns into a docile gentle-giant of a man, and becomes close friends with Johnny Horne; --Ben wakes up from his head injury thinking that he's Abraham Lincoln; he is so wise and kindly, he's elected mayor a few months later, when Mayor Milford keels over while receiving a blowjob; --Major Briggs makes it to his destination, and opens the door to the White Lodge (assisted, of course, by all the lovers in town (-:), where he unleashes some marvelous mind-boggling force for Good--sort of like the Great Spirit crossed with the primal Mother Goddess. This force for Good is so strong, it will mobilize the remnants of Dale Cooper's soul, which are still floating around inside his body--recall that Leland was still "inside" there with Bob, because he re-emerged at the time of his death--and allow those remnants to be fruitful and multiply, to grow stronger, so that at least he will engage in a fierce battle with his Shadow self, his Doppelganger, the part of him that cooperates with Bob, and then.... I guess I got a little carried away. I'm worried about Dale Cooper, let's face it. I'm trying to think up a scenario where he makes it back to us. --Fiona O.