Subject: Re: Finale - minor spoilers From: (Ron Sires) Date: 1991-06-11, 20:48 Newsgroups: What a bunch of crybabies!!! WAH!!! I wanna know what Bob is! WAH!!! Lynch didn't tie up all the loose ends! WAH!!! I didn't understand it! WAH!!! Captain Ahab didn't kill Moby Dick! WAH!!! I don't know why Gregor Samsa turned into a bug! WAH!!! The castaways didn't get rescued from Gilligan's Island! Give me a break! Those who wanted answers out of the finale have never caught on to the beauty of Lynch's art. Lynch has never tried to provide any answers in his work, from Eraserhead on to Twin Peaks. What he does, and does wonderfully enough to keep me tuning in to Twin Peaks for these many months, is ask questions. Great questions. Big questions. All great literature, great works of art, are like that. Pat answers are for those who can't face the ambiguity of truth. There are many correct answers, correct interpretations. The fun lies in coming up with them. Those who've posted that they're angry with the show are missing out on the fun. That said (and sorry about the flamishness), there are a few points about the White Lodge/Black Lodge that seem to be in dispute. Spoilers to follow: I was under the impression that there were, in fact, two rooms that Coop was walking between, one the White Lodge and the other the Black Lodge. It looked like some of the folks Coop encountered only showed up in one and some only in the other. A definative list would be helpful, but it seemed that the dwarf, the giant, the bellhop, and Laura Palmer appeared only in the first room. Bob, Maddie, Windham Earle, and maybe Caroline and Annie, appeared only in the second. I've been trying to puzzle out which is the White Lodge and which the Black Lodge. I believe that the giant is a White Lodger and Windham should be a Black Lodger. What has me stumped is that the screaming Laura doesn't seem to be a White Lodge sorta character, but Bob *certainly* is a Black Lodger. Any ideas? I don't take the dwarf's statement that "This is the Waiting Room." to mean that it wasn't the lodge itself, as some seem to. Also, it sounded like both lodges have the same entrance, with love being the key to the White Lodge and fear to the Black Lodge. This contradicts the story Hawk told of having to pass through the Black Lodge in order to enter the White Lodge, but the Indian folklore may have gotten details like this wrong after centuries of retelling. I noticed that, just before Coop and Annie re-appeared in Glastonbury Circle, one of the Coops caught the other one in one of the red rooms. I hope this meant the the Coop who reappeared is a conglomerate of the two, doing internal spritual battle for control. That would explain why Coop (the good one) smashes his head against the mirror on realizing that he is harboring Bob. I hope the movie/books/more episodes come along soon. It's been a great ride so far. -- | Ron Sires: (NetMail) | | | | Currently seeking position programming in C, dBASE, Clipper under MS-DOS | | in the San Francisco Area. Please send email if you can help. Thanks! |