Subject: Re: Fisher-King stuff in Finale From: (Chuck Machala ) Date: 1991-06-11, 15:25 Newsgroups: will@ogre (William Sadler) writes: > >Maybe I am reading some of this in, but the finale seemed to be using > >a whole bunch of imagery borrowed from Arthurian legends and even > >Adonis myths. The presence of the 12 rainbow trout, the 12 sycamores, > >the name of the grove (supposedly the burial place of King Arthur), > >and the wound in Cooper's side are all elements of what someone has > >termed "fisher-king" archetypes as found in grail stories, the Golden > >Bough, etc. Supposedly what happens is that the knight, in this case > >Cooper, finds entrance into some separate place representing the > >psyche (?) and is there presented with 5 questions. 3 questions! Chuck