Subject: Re: Has anyone contacted Lynch/Frost? From: (Barb Miller) Date: 1991-06-11, 19:26 Newsgroups: Reply-to: In article <> (Gordon Shephard) writes: > > > > In <14947@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM> marc@porsche944.Eng.Sun.COM (Marc Schneider) writes: > > > > > BTW- was it just me or were the way to many commercials durring the > > >last episode. If ABC sold that much airtime to advertisers, it makes > > >you wonder why they ever canceled the show? > > > > It was just you. :) Actually, I can remember one 24 minute period > > without a commercial. We're just so in love with the show that every > > minute away is that much more painful. And the sponsors were different. Where were the Yuppie car commercials? A T & T? All those sponsors whose presence between the good stuff made you feel like you were rich, cultivated, and important to be watching the show? Actually, the hardest thing to take was the "ABC movie" logos instead of Lucy telling us to go have a doughnut (we had to think of getting one ourselves). It just wasn't the same experience at all. Barb Miller