Subject: Re: Hmmm.... From: (Tom Sullivan) Date: 1991-06-11, 19:21 Newsgroups: In article <9106111945.AA09997@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> ST601287@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU (Mark Hessman) writes: > > I liked the scene where Windom was chastising Leo -- Windom's face just > >got more and more devilish. By the end of it he was looking almost as scary > >as Bob. But why wasn't he more surprised that Leo had done something in- > >telligent? And why didn't he arrange the tarantula trap so that it would > >close on Leo much sooner than expected? (i.e. tie the cord to the door, or > >have a candle burning through it, etc) If Leo's teeth are strong enough, he > >could just stay there like that till he gets discovered... Notice that WE held a bag ("I'll get you in my deathbag" springs to mind... > > Interesting that the scene in which Coop's hand shook was replayed > >prior to the beginning of this episode -- it has more significance than > >we know, perhaps? Was part of Bob already in Coop, working on his dark > >side? Was that Coop's dark side testing its strength, its independence? Someone posted that in the Autobiography of Cooper's, that his hand shakes when evil? is around or something like that... > > Why were *Laura's* eyes glazed over? (At least one of the Lauras...) > >Did Bob wind up possessing her too? I thought she died so that wouldn't > >happen... but, well, there certainly seems to be at least one (relatively) > >normal Laura lurking around the Lodge. I think these were Dopplegangers, not the originals... > > How did Cooper's 'dark side' come into being? And after Bob seemed to > >allow him to go, too... that part was more whimsical than anything else. Is > >Bob the master of the Black Lodge, or just a character in it? Why didn't we > >get anyone really new inside such a heretofore unforeseen place? Ditto. ALso, perhaps it's the old idea that we all possess a shadow side that must be integrated (delt with, whatever) in order to truly come into our full power. Thus, Cooper was facing his (unsuccessfully, apparently). Also, in the 2nd Star Wars (Empire Strikes Back), when Luke, while training with Yoda, confronts HIS dark self in the cave (Darth Vader which turns out to be Luke himself...). Same idea! > > Cooper howling with Bob was glorious... and, of course, Coop looked much > >stronger and active and, well, *human* then than he ever looked in the real > >world. His grin was almost refreshing. It was good to see him having fun. He did seem MUCH more animated than before. He was kindof LAME in this "episode" otherwise (like NOT running to Annie's side when the lites went out...). > >...predictable but damn frightening. The way Coop reflexively 'attacked' Bob > >by butting his head into the mirror seemed to indicate that Coop himself > >(the same Coop who asked "How's Annie?" when he woke up, the human part of > >Coop that is still there even though Bob is sitting atop his soul) saw Bob > >in the mirror and knew who he was and what that meant. Is Coop now aware > >that he is being possessed by Bob? If he's aware of it, can he fight it? > >Seems to me that unless Bob is always dominant in Coop (which would most > >likely, well, be noticed around town ;-) ), when Coop's human side is in > >control of his body he has a chance to do something. So WILL HE???? Very good point. Is "Cooper" still in there, or is he trapped in the Black Lodge?????......Tom