Subject: Re: SPOILERS (and AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!) From: appel@xcf.Berkeley.EDU (Shannon D. Appel) Date: 1991-06-11, 01:36 Newsgroups: In article <> dpassage@SODA.BERKELEY.EDU (David G. Paschich) writes: >> >>6/10 Repeat after me: damnABCdamnABCdamnABCdamnABCdamnABCdamnABCdamnABC > >(In the motd on the machine I use within 30 seconds of the finale) Yah, guess I beat you there by thirty seconds, Dave. Well, more questions then answers, but about as expected, considering the fact that this was taped months and months ago, before the idiots at ABC decided to stuff two episodes together as a finale. As a season finale, I'd give the episode high marks. As the ending for Twin Peaks, I think it doesn't give the morale that Lynch wanted. (Love is meaningless, and Evil Conquers All? -- doesn't sounds like Lynch to me) Oh well, I guess we're going to see Twin Peaks join the ranks of TV programs with unresolved cliff hangers ("V", Soap, Blake's 7 - How'd Twin Peaks manage to end up in that company?) EOT