Subject: The Red Room Sequence From: (...creeping debbie...) Date: 1991-06-11, 02:45 Newsgroups: The complete timeline (completely revised) will be posted in a few days. Meanwhile. Meanwhile. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! (tea kettle whistle *8^) Cooper and the little man from another place sitting in the red room. LMFAP: When you see me again, it won't be me. This is the waiting room. Would you like some coffee? Some of your friends are here. Laura: Hello Agent Cooper. {snaps her fingers} I'll see you in 25 years. Meanwhile {presents her hands} Great Northern room service waiter: Hallelujah! LMFAP: Hallelujah! GNRSW: Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee {sets down solid coffee for Cooper} Giant: One and the same. {LMFAP rubs his hands. Cooper picks his coffee - it's liquid. When he's about to drink, it's solid. LMFAP continues rubbing his hands. The coffee's liquid. LMFAP continues rubbing his hands. The coffee's viscous.} LMFAP: Wow, Bob, Wow. Fire walk with me. {Fire. Strobe effect. Cooper walks to the other room. Identical furniture but empty. Back to the original room.} LMFAP: Wrong way {Cooper goes back to to the other room. LMFAP babbles excitedly. Then:} LMFAP: Another friend {Maddy enters, LMFAP ducks behind a chair.} Maddy: I'm Maddy. Watch out for my cousin. {Cooper goes back to the original room. It's empty. Then:} LMFAP (shadow self): Doppleganger Laura (shadow self): {presenting hands} Meanwhile {screams} {Back to the other room. Cooper on the floor bleeding. Back to the original room. Caroline and Cooper on the floor bleeding. No, it's Annie. Annie gets up.} Cooper: Caroline? Annie: {gets up} Dale. I saw the face of the man who killed me. Cooper: Annie... you saw the face of the man who killed you? Annie: It was my husband. Cooper: Annie? Annie: Who's Annie? It's me, it's me, it's me. Cooper: Caroline? Caroline (shadow self): You must be mistaken. I'm alive. {Laura (shadow self) screaming.} Earle: Dale Cooper. If you give me your soul, I'll let Annie live. Cooper: I will. {Earle stabs Cooper. Fire. Rewind. BOB takes Earle} BOB: {to Earle} Be quiet. Be quiet. {to Cooper} You go. He is wrong. He can't ask for your soul. I will take his. {takes} {Cooper's shadow self enters as Cooper leaves} Leland (shadow self): I did not kill anybody. {Cooper's shadow self chases Cooper and catches up to him. BOB laughs.} -- Edwin Nomura -- -- _________________________________________ ! "Welcome to my world, involve yourself within my dream" - Slayer ! ! "As you realize only in dreams, do dreams come true" - Debbie Gibson ! ^^~~~~~~~~~~~~----------_______________________________________________________/