Subject: How about...(was Re: Finale comments (spoilers)) From: (J Snyder) Date: 1991-06-12, 01:34 Newsgroups: In article <> (Robert D. can call me The Bob) writes: > >Well...what do I say? David Lynch is NOT God. 'He's jus zis guy, y'know!' Thanks. Get back to your OWN personal brain specialist! ;) > >Cooper faced his confrontation with the Black Lodge with imperfect > >courage. He forgot to face evil and fear with love. His previous comments > >to Agent Roger Hardy (the FBI agent played by Clarence Williams III) that > >he is looking 'beyond the board...looking at the world with love' exemplified > >this philosophy. But in the true test, Cooper failed. > > > >Why? > > > >He did not save Windom Earle from BOB. (Gathering thoughts here...) > >Cooper loved Annie, and she was the focus of his love, but in order to > >truly love, to look at the world with love, you must ALSO love your enemies. > >In failing to save Windom, Cooper could not save himself...hence...being > >possesed by BOB. Nice theory - I like it. Maybe I'll try to work it in... > >Since Major Briggs APPARENTLY passed his test (facing the Black Lodge and > >reaching the White Lodge as he said previously that he believed this > >is what happened to him during his dissapearance?), he is the logical > >choice to go in after Cooper's good self (assuming BOB is in control of > >Cooper's evil doppleganger.). Suppose...maybe the Major is *just* as posessed as Coop... Anyone want to follow up on that idea? Perhaps the message Sarah Palmer delivered to him was one of "OK, time for you to begin Phase III of operation 'Life-Force-Sucking-Owls' - go after the Log Lady..." C'mon! This has to be worth something! > >PS. By the way....'How's Annie?' Recuperating in the hospital, apparently... I remain, -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- | If we took the bones out, it wouldn't ---------------------------| be crunchy, would it? - MPFC