Subject: Re: SPOILERS Galore From: (John Meyers) Date: 1991-06-12, 18:33 Newsgroups: In article <>, (Fiona Oceanstar) writes: [the quote of my message delete] > > Gra-TU-i-tous, you say! Hmmmmphh. At least *some* of us out here think > > that "Twin Peaks" is just as much fun for its portrayal of *love* > > relationships (perish the thought (-:), as it is for the fantasy, the > > mystery, and the post-modern film-buff stuff. In other words, the scene > > between Coop and Annie is a scene about *romance*--the power of love to > > open the White Lodge, and all that. Just because Lynch let us down by > > not doing more with the White Lodge concept, doesn't mean he can't do > > a good love scene. Not all sex is "gratuitous." > > Don't get me wrong! I'm certainly not against love (really!) and I certainly think that Coop deserved his chance for romance, but *I* thought that scene looked really out of place. (Perhaps watching every episode of the show in 2 days can take its toll.) Sorry that my message represented a tiny minority, mainly, myself. :-) > > --all in good fun, > > Fiona And taking it that way, John -- __ , |John M. Meyers _/ meyers@wybbs.UUCP (_/_ / /)) _ _ _ _ | \ sharkey!!meyers _/(//)/) / / (-'(/(-'/ ' '-,| "I only laughed away your tears, (/""""""""""""""(_/"""""""""" | but even jesters cry!" - Fish