Subject: Re: Some thoughts on the finale... From: (Tom Sullivan) Date: 1991-06-12, 13:23 Newsgroups: In article <64621@bbn.BBN.COM> (Bob Ingria) writes: > >In article joe@zitt (Joe Zitt) writes: > > > > The MFAP said that he'd show up again as someone else -- who? > > > >What he said was closer to: ``When you see me again, it won't be me.'' > >I think that what he meant was that each successive apearance of the > >LMFAP was merely someone who looked like him: doppelgangers (und > >treppelgangers, usw). Note that this happens with Laura. The first > >Laura we see, who says she won't see Cooper for 25 years, has clear > >eyes, while Laura/Bob, has glazed eyes. This seems to be a > >distinguishing mark of the doppelgangers. Also, the only Leland we > >see has glazed eyes, and the anti-Cooper also has glazed eyes. Still, > >the whole XXX Lodge sequence leaves open the question of what happened > >to those who have died and exactly whose side the supernatural > >entities are playing on---except for Bob, of course, who remains > >unchanging in his Bobhood. Exactly. BUT...did you notice Annie's eyes when she entered the Sycamore circle and was charmed by WE....DOPPLEGANGER EYES!!! (Look closely!) > > Seems like we were right in guessing that the Waiter and the Giant were > > the same. > > > >Well, there seem to be two strains of interpretation here about what > >the Giant's ``One and the same'' means: > > > >(1) Since we see the Waiter bring the coffee and the Giant go back, it > >is the Waiter and the Giant that are ``One and the same''. (This is > >what I took it to mean.) > > > >(2) Since the Giant says ``One and the same'' as he sits down beside > >the LMFAP, he means that the two of them are ``One and the same''. I > >personally disfavor this, although I did think, when I saw the two of > >them sitting side by side that this answered Albert's question to Coop > >about the Giant: ``Any relation to the dwarf?'' ALSO, BL and WL the same???