Subject: Re: Something I noticed in Twin Peaks From: (J Snyder) Date: 1991-06-12, 00:48 Newsgroups: In article <> (Craig Blundell) writes: >From article <>, by >> >> In article <>, (Daniel Bowen) writes: >>> >>> Something I don't think I've seen people mention, which I noticed >>> >>> when watching the dream sequence (not the flashback to it) after >>> >>> seeing a few episodes... Laura makes the Bookhouse Boys signal >>> >>> to Cooper.. NO SHE DOESN'T! This may seem like nit-picking, but the Bookhouse Boys kinda scrape from their temple to halfway down their jaw(s), while in the dream sequence (original - NOT in any flashbacks) Laura does that "whole finger scrapes from base of nose to tip", whereas the BB only touch the tip of their fingers to their faces/heads. Really. Go back and look it up. ;) I remain, -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- | If we took the bones out, it wouldn't ---------------------------| be crunchy, would it? - MPFC