Subject: Re: Statue inconsistancy From: (Bob Ingria) Date: 1991-06-12, 16:08 Newsgroups: Reply-to: ingria@BBN.COM In article <> (R o d Johnson) writes: In article <1991Jun11.171334.11904@panix.uucp> jhawk@panix.uucp (John Hawkinson) writes: >One little anomaly I noticed in the Black (/white?) Lodge scene last night: > After Cooper has gone from room to room a couple times, the statue which is >in the hallway dissapears. Any comments? I thought, while I was watching it, that there's a statue at *one* end of the hallway and not the other. I assumed it was put there in part to serve as a reference point so that we could tell which room was which. At some point, though, it seemed that things got totally turned around and inconsistent, sort of like the scene in "Yellow Submarine" where Our Heroes run in one hotel room door and then out of the door across the corridor. [In what follows, I'm calling the first of the red curtained rooms that Cooper enters, ``the waiting room'', just to have some name for it.] The first five times Cooper goes through the hallway, there is a statue at ``the far end'' (i.e. the end away from ``the waiting room'' or its current incarnation, and away from the camera). Moreover, Cooper is filmed fairly consistently: when he is moving away from ``the waiting room'' end, he is filmed from behind, moving toward the statue, away from the camera; when he is moving toward ``the waiting room'' end, he is filmed from the front, moving away from the statue, toward the camera. (This assumes there is only one statue in the hallway(s) with the statue.) When Cooper leaves the room where he starts to bleed from the stomach, which was the room away from ``the waiting room'' end, he is filmed, as usual, approaching the camera. But there is no statue behind him. The point of view then cuts to a position from behind Cooper and there is no statue in front of him, either. I take it that the different camera angle is meant to let us know that this is a hallway without a statue at either end. The hallway where Cooper meets Leland is also a hallway without a statue, since we see the hallway from Cooper and Doppel-Cooper's viewpoints, and there's no statue at either end. Also, I believe that the camera position is different in this scene, and is at what was formerly ``the far end'' of the hallway. Since this is where Cooper starts to run away from his Doppelganger, towards the room where he entered the XXX Lodge, this is probably a deliberate shift in camera point of view. I'm not completely certain of this, however. Up until Cooper encounters Caroline for the first time, we see him enter and exit each room he's in, and it's possible to chart his course. However, we don't see him leave the room where he meets Caroline; there is a cross-fade, to a shot of the camera panning up a hallway, with Cooper saying ``Annie'' over and over. At this point, it's not clear where the next room, where he encounters Windom Earle et al, is. In the climactic race with his Doppelganger, it looks like Cooper crosses two hallways and goes through a room. The last room of the chase seems to be the original ``waiting room''. If it is, the Doppelganger catches Cooper at the spot where Cooper entered the XXX Lodge (which makes sense, since ``Cooper'' then reappearsin Glastonbury Grove. Also, if I'm right about the orientation. The Doppelganger enters at a point diagonally opposite from where Cooper entered the XXX Lodge. -30- Bob ``You go.''