Subject: Re: lots of finale stuff (SPOILERS!!!) From: (Rocky J Giovinazzo) Date: 1991-06-12, 20:10 Newsgroups: > > (Larry Yaeger) writes: >> >> (Rocky J Giovinazzo) writes: > > [and referring to my interpreting a petroglyph symbol near the > > circle of trees as the Black & White Lodges] >> >>I can see how you interpreted the symbol this way, but doesn't it look >> >>more like a small well of water? >> >> [drawing and other stuff deleted] > >... Hence the top portion is > >completely shaded in as white, and the lower portion is a doubly-ringed black > >oval. Doesn't really look like a well. And it's not in the center of the > >ring, but outside just to the left on the "map". The Access Guide has a > >good rendering of the petroglyph (even though it has a statement to the > >effect that no cave markings were ever found or some such in the text?). >> >> [description of my interpretation of the symbol. The black & >> >> white parts are reversed from the above.] > >Hmm, we're definitely talking about the same symbol. I can't make out any > >wavy interface between the black and white portions on my screenshot, but > >then I can't make out anything that looks like turned up sides either. > >Guess I'll have to dig out the Access Guide. I suppose the symbol could > >be a pool with oil over water or somesuch. Still looks suggestive of the > >Black and White Lodges to me, though. I think you could be right about the symbol being 2 rooms separated by a corridor. The symbol is on the left side of the circle of trees rather than being inside of it (meaning that it wouldn't be a symbol for the pool of liquid we saw). Also, I guess that the access guide has the coloring (black/white) reversed from what we saw on TV. The "turned up sides" part is also clear in the access guide so I don't know what that would mean expect maybe that the lodges are underground-- as Major Briggs suggested earlier. > >I see the wavy line with dots above the circle, and I can understand how > >you'd interpret it as a curtain. Not that it necessarily disqualifies > >the interpretation, but the line that makes up that wave extends on beyond > >the wavy portion, and looks like any of the other terrain and river > >demarcations. And other, very similar wavy line segments appear at various > >places around the map (e.g., immediately to the left of the crab-shaped > >set of lines at the bottom, and again further left after a near vertical > >straight line), though no others have the dots. Ok-- so I guess the wavy line could just be a river-- but I still don't know why the dots are there or why the giant/LMFAP are above the wavy line. Also, since, from your message, you seem to have the access guide, look at the owl cave drawing and then look at the back of the book. Glastonberry Grove, on the left of the owl cave drawing is located on the far west part of the real Twin Peaks map-- bordering Idaho. This means that the 2 mountains on the owl cave map (the ones with the big swirls on them) are the ones way to the west, partially in Idaho. This also means that owl cave is marked by either the symbol at the foot or head of the giant-- kind of like, "You are here." Anyway, the point was, that the waterfall drawing does not correspond to White Tail Falls in front of the Great Northern. It also puts that crab thing, whatever it is, at "Railroad Cemetary." Hmmm... Rocky Giovinazzo