Subject: Waiting Room Topologies (Was: Statue inconsistancy) From: clamen@CS.CMU.EDU (Stewart Clamen) Date: 1991-06-12, 01:25 Newsgroups: Reply-to: clamen+@CS.CMU.EDU While watching, I assumed that every time Cooper crossed the hallway, he was entering a different Red Room. Sort of like the all-alike and all-different mazes in Colossal Cave Adventure. This seemed to be confirmed for me at the end, when Cooper runs through all the rooms he had visited before, with the anti-Cooper chasing him, before he reaches the Glastonbury Portal. -- Stewart M. ClamenInternet: School of Computer ScienceUUCP: uunet!"" Carnegie Mellon UniversityPhone: +1 412 268 3620 Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890, USAFax: +1 412 268 1793