Subject: Disillusioned by The End From: Date: 1991-06-13, 23:04 Newsgroups: O.K., so this has been said a million times this weeks by a million different people, but the Twin Peaks finale(?) requires comment: Was it just me, or did the whole Windham Earle thing seem to run into a giant brick wall, or more specifically, into Bob? As much of an insipid overdone loser as he was, I was expecting a touch more from the ole Earlster. Instead he's sucked into Bob like lint to a dustbuster. Bummer. I was hoping for something--well, I don't know--more. Just more. The last hour was nothing more than a cop-out. Lynch screwed his fans in a big way. We *knew* there wouldn't be a happy ending, we didn't want or expect one, and maybe Audrey *should* have blown up, but it was all so crammed into it's own prentension. And it didn't make any fu*king sense! A good move to put Coop into Bob, or vice versa, and not entirely unexpected. Still a rush job, though. It seemed more like a 'fuck you TV-land' from Lynch than anything else. It was like, okay, they loooved Agent Cooper, our boy, the symbol of purity and all that crap, but they cancelled my show, so let's see who he rapes and kills now. And by the way, how's Annie? I don't buy it. Lynch with a grudge is scarier than Coop wanting to brush his teeth. Great imagery looking himself in the mirror, perhaps the best that's hit television ever. It's not like I thought anything would even be resolved--but I think Lynch owed something to his audience that he didn't deliver. He's not perfect. The vision (IMHO) is not complete. He let us down. I'm not going to cross my fingers for the movie to be anything better--if I've learned anything from _Twin Peaks_, it's that you can't expect Lynch to come through. If he does, fine, that's great--he certainly has the ability to shine, but don't expect it. David Balcom Fairfax, VA