Subject: Re: Series or season finale? From: (Tom Sullivan) Date: 1991-06-13, 14:18 Newsgroups: >>>>> >>>>> On 12 Jun 91 01:31:33 GMT, (Bill Cockayne) said: >> > >* How about this.. Catherine planted the bomb in the safety >> > > deposit box because she was getting sick of Andrews taking >> > > over. Only she didnt think that Pete would be there.. or >> > > maybe she didnt care.. > > > > Yes, Catherine planted the bomd...the question is, what did Catherine take > > out of the deposit box before she planted the bomb ??? billc> If Catherine planted the bomb, why was the note signed by Thomas? billc> "We're tiny, we're tooney, we're all a little looney!" billc> M @O2X %7L$ 21". Y0[!"YX@>YU<*#!IT#")TY0@T3LPD[9N,(&?'&J ME&" '240XE:=*,;_ECQ @5:R9U7PC(VLWQY>:YSRUS&1PCD>44S\G,+!*R! billc> M00= "@.X*)Q(FA!#4( @@RQA7"^AD%@$$4=ELZA#=5AG%MH#0AN82%N^(>9 billc> . billc> . billc> . So Bill, what's the uu file?