Subject: The Bank Shuffle and the Soundtrack From: (Jym Dyer) Date: 1991-06-13, 17:36 Newsgroups: > > One example is the bank scene. I agree that it was pretty > > humorous, but I'd rather not spend 5 minutes watching an > > old man look confused. I loved that scene, and I'll tell you why. We were set up. We were told that Twin Peaks S&L (or whatever) was quietly funding this evil Ghostwood thing, and they were trying to keep a low profile. Now this made me think of the big evil faceless banks that we all know and loathe: the Citibanks and their quiet financing of ventures in South Africa, or even the Silverados and their lining of Weenie Jr.'s pockets. So Lynch shows us what this bank really is: a Mom & Pop Shop run by Mr Americana. I agree that Lana's dance was a waste of film. The Lana character remains the embodiment of mediocre plotting, IMHO. > > First of all, cheers to Angelo Badalementi for the new suspense > > theme. I like it! That eeiry tune will be with me the rest of my > > days.) Yeah, and it's about time. The second season has mostly been a disappointment for me, musicwise. Nothing to compare with the "Dreamy" Audrey's Dance theme (which really did inspire dreams), and Laura's Theme dropped out of the picture. I've decided that what I disliked most about J.J. Wheeler was his damn theme music. It sounded like a Coors commercial, dammit! And when he took off in his plane, the soundtrack a-twangin', I thanked my lucky stars I would never have to hear it again. Except that it made a comeback when Audrey and ben were talking about him. Oh well. :-) <_Jym_>