Subject: 600 jelly donuts From: (David Brightbill) Date: 1991-06-14, 20:59 Newsgroups: Early friday morning, a young man broke the glass out of one of the ground floor doors of the Florida State Capital. Much of my information is hearsay but the story seems to be that he baricaded himself in the Sergant at arms office and sent out demands on the fax machine. Among other demands, he is said to have asked for liquor, LSD, chinese food and 600 jelly donuts. Tallahassee's finest had the place surrounded with all sorts of high powered weaponary, swat teams and the bomb robot. The man gave up to the cops when they faked meeting his demand of a national network news story on his concerns. He said that he was mad that folks didn't have food to eat and places to stay. When he surrendured, he was smoking a cigar and drinking whiskey. At last report, there was no word on the fate of teh 600 jelly donuts. Sorry for the interruption with real back to your regularly scheduled discussion of television fantasies. Davie O'Brightbill who's feeling irish and his friends.