Subject: Re: Finale thoughts I haven't seen yet From: (Tom Sullivan) Date: 1991-06-14, 21:41 Newsgroups: >>>>> >>>>> On 14 Jun 91 18:48:14 GMT, russellp@CAE.WISC.EDU (Russell Perry) said: R> A couple things I've not seen mentioned: R> 1) Is Hawk dead? I think he was the person who answered the phone just before the bomb went off. I didn't recognize the guard (that's who I thought it was). I looked, and I didn't catch him as being Hawk. R> 2) Was the explosion related to BOB (and the flames in the lodge) in any way? VERY INTERESTING Theory. I would think that such a connection is very possible and perhaps even probable. Since the whole area is entwined with the forces in that area, the "soul explosions" in the lodge could have corresponded with the bank explosion, that being a temporal manifestation of the forces unleashed. Also, in the Windon Earle soul stealing scene, the flames that erupt would seem to be Cooper's soul. There is a distinct direction to the flames. At first, they're shooting OUT of Cooper (his soul burning off, or simply escaping, as the soul itself is probably "fire". Then, when BOB comes on the scene, the flames shoot back into Cooper! SO...It would appear that WE actually did TAKE (or start taking) Cooper's soul. Bob steps in, and says no-ya-don't to WE, and the flames shoot back! R> 3) If the LMFAP said "the next time you see me it will not be me", why did Cooper believe him the next time he saw him and he said "wrong way!"? Exactly! Fantastic key. 1) Is Lynch this subtle and consistant? Probably I would think. In that case, Dale's returning to the other room (RoomB?) was in error. R> 4) Did Dell (the old guy at the bank) remind anyone else of a conmbination of Senior Droolcup (the speed) and the LMFAP (the walk)? R> Also, about the "one and the same" line. I believe that meant Senor Droolcupand the Giant are the same. Otherwise, why would the Giant and LM on the map be separate? R> Well? R> ************> <******************************* R> Russ Perry Jr 104 S Randall Ave Madison WI 53715 608-256-1910 R> WARNING: I may have access removed due to graduation. If you need to keep in R> contact, please save the above info, as email may be bouncing soon (~Aug 25)!