Subject: Re: The Finale & Indigo Girls (SPOILERS) From: jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) Date: 1991-06-15, 09:26 Newsgroups: In article <> (James Welcher) writes: > > > >If you're actually reading this group without seeing the finale... > >beware of spoilers. > >I'm posting about something weird I noticed while watching the > >show.These lyrics popped into my head as I watched: > > > >"Love is but a song we sing... fear's the way we die..." > > > >Sound familiar? The last verse: > > > >"You hold the key to love and fear, > > In your trembling hand <---------------Obvious "quivering hand" > > Just one key unlocks them both, reference > > It's there at your command." > > > > > >These lyrics are from a song the Indigo Girls cover called > >"(Everybody) Get Together". I can't recall the songwriter at the moment. > >It's obviously a reference to WHITE AND BLACK LODGES!!! Don't forget the song "Closer To Fine:" Darkness has a hunger that's insatiable, Lightness has a call that's hard to hear... > >Anyways, I say he deserved it. If someone asks you to give up your > >soul, you JUST DON'T DO IT!!! PERIOD!!! Sure, he loved Annie, but > >COME ON COOPER! MR.TIBET/MR. SPIRITUALITY! HA!!! If you give up THAT > >part of you which is capable of love, what can you gain?? If you kill > >that part of you which Annie loves, what do you do for her???DUMB > >DUMB DUMB move Cooper! I thought you were wiser! *I'D'VE* took a > >couple of swings a WE before I forked over my bloody soul! I agree! I know Windom thought he was so powerful when he entered the Lodge, but I have no idea why Cooper didn't react much to anything he did. -- * From the disk of:| jms@vanth.uucp | "Let's become Jim Shaffer, Jr.|!vanth!jms | alive again." 37 Brook Street| uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms | Montgomery, PA 17752| | --Yes