Subject: Cliffhung From: FURESZ@KIDS.WUSTL.EDU (TODD FURESZ) Date: 1991-06-16, 15:32 Newsgroups: I still have 200 plus posts to read but I thought I would bring this up as I have yet to read much about it. Two characters, Leo and Coop, seem to be worst off every season ending cliffhanger episode. Recall Coop was shot last season and now he is host to BOB. He does not fare well when the TV season is over. Leo last season was shot by Hank (perhaps a spoiler for some third world nation that has yet to view that episode) and this season Windom leaves him hanging by a thread (ha ha). Just thgouth I would point that out. One question does come to me concerning Leo. If Major Briggs is fit enough to go to RR then why doesn't he tell someone Leo is in the woods a prisoner of Windom Earle? I am having the same feeling about this that I did concerning Shelly not saying a thing about Catherine at the begining of this season. The town including the police feared that Catherine was dead but nobody asked Shelly about her and Shelly was the last to see her in the burning Mill. True Shelly might have not known where Catherine was (could have lost her in the flames and smoke) but our brilliant detectives Cooper and Truman never asked Shelly a thing about Catherine. Todd