Subject: Re: The Red Room - Time going BACKWARDS! From: osmigo@ut-emx.uucp (Ron Morgan) Date: 1991-06-17, 13:00 Newsgroups: More about the "backwardness" of the final scenes: Notice how when Laura Palmer first appears, she snaps her fingers "backwards." If you watch closely, you can also tell by the way people move their weight, hands, etc. when they sit down or stand up that it is all going backwards. There are numerous clues such as this throughout that final scene, but the "forward/backward stabbing" and the "backward fingersnap" are *obviously* done that way; there's no attempt to hide them. I did notice that when Coop speaks, his voice is normal. One thing that's a little curious, for those who are into details of realism, is that if it really *were* going backwards, the voices wouldn't be intellible at all. That is the words wouldn't be going forwards. I'm a bit intriqued by this. It's all done too obviously to just be "for effect," but I can't quite figure out how it would weave into the plot and what it all really means, if anything.......excuse me, I'm straining my brain here....(-8 Ron Morgan