Subject: Bomb & Nadine From: (Charles Blair) Date: 1991-06-19, 02:35 Newsgroups: Bomb planted by Catharine doesn't make sense. Why would she put a note ostensibly written by Eckardt? Also, could she get into safe deposit box without signing in? Did she have time to do so? Eckardt didn't have time to set up bomb after he found out Andrew was alive, or write note for that matter. My candidate for the earliest use of personality-change-after-hit-on- head and return-to-normal-after-hit-on-head-again is a Laurel & Hardy movie (sorry don't have title with me) with Stan becoming an Oxford professor. The last episode was a fitting conclusion to a seasonthat has been a straight downhill slide. My guess is there must have been a crucial change in writers near the end of the first season.