Subject: Re: Dumb thing noticed From: (Hazel Sydeserff) Date: 1991-06-26, 01:16 Newsgroups: In article <>, lwv27@CAS.BITNET (Larry W. Virden ext. 2487) writes: |> Anyways, during the opening, when we were shown what had happened last time, |> I stopped the tape and wondered why I had not noticed before that when |> the giant appeared, the circle of spotlight that highlited him also |> highlited 4 letters on the banner above his head. The banner read: |> |> 20th Anniversary Twin Peaks |> |> or something close to that. And the letters highlighted were: |> |> Anni Bloody illiterate then, wasn't he? :-) Sorry folks, it's just the mood I'm in today...dee dee dee....tum te tum.... -- ============================================================================== Hazel Sydeserff |"What sad times are these when passing Centre for Speech Technology Research | ruffians can say `Ni!' at will to 80, South Bridge, EDINBURGH EH1 1HN | old ladies." - Roger the Shrubber, MPHG