Subject: Re: Wow,BOB,Wow From: (Tom Richardson) Date: 1991-06-26, 05:50 Newsgroups: In article <> (Jim Stafford) writes: > >In article <> (R o d Johnson) writes: >> > > >> > >It's "mom, pop, mom" upside down. > > > >'s "mom, qoq, mom" upside down. "mom, pop, mom" is what you get if you reflect. "mom, qoq, mom" is what you get if you rotate. Clearly reflection is the more appropriate operation, as indicated by the backwards recording in the Black Lodge, as well as the other disorienting features there. Also, isn't "wow" an acronym for "witch of west", indicating that Annie is the sister of Caroline, witch of east (or "woe" for short)?