Subject: Re: Still more spoilers From: (Bob Ingria) Date: 1991-06-27, 22:44 Newsgroups: Reply-to: ingria@BBN.COM In article (Barb Miller) writes: In article <> writes: > Seriously, I was pretty terrified, particularly of Laura! Am I the only person who found Laura's screaming decidedly NOT scary? It seemed completely unmotivated by extreme terror or even extreme rage; just a device to have her step forward and try to scare Cooper. Could someone who WAS scared perhaps describe for me what it was that was so frightening for them in that moment. Perhaps my efforts to try and figure out what was going on detached me from it emotionally to the point where I missed the experience. Well, what got me going was not the screaming but the fact that she crawled over the love seat in the same way we'd seen Bob crawl over the sofa in the Palmer's living room. On first viewing, I interpreted the whole scene as ``Laura as Bob'', and the screaming/howling as Bob's screaming/howling. It was shocking to see ``Laura'' doing Bob's moves. -30- Bob ``Meanwhile...''