Subject: Re: The Red Room - Time going BACKWARDS! From: Date: 1991-06-27, 10:47 Newsgroups: In article <50656@ut-emx.uucp>, osmigo@ut-emx.uucp (Ron Morgan) writes: > > I don't know if anybody noticed, but time seemed to be going BACKWARDS in > > the Red Room. When the characters spoke, for example, their words appeared > > in captions on the screen. I've seen people speaking "backwards" on other > > TV shows (some people did it on "America's Funniest People"). What they do > > is videotape somebody actually pronouncing words backwards; then when the tape > > is played in reverse, they appear to be talking "forward," although their > > speech naturally looks and sounds a bit weird. This is EXACTLY what the > > various characters, WITHOUT exception, were doing in the Red Room! Read on: > > > > When Windom Earle jabbed Coop with that thing (looked like a small knife > > to me), Coop fell to the floor. Then you saw the exact same "stabbing" scene > > in REVERSE. Coop "fell upwards" into the knife. Notice this happen right > > AFTER (or was it "before"?) Coop was walking around bleeding in the exact > > same spot where Earle stabbed him! > > > > Perhaps this "stabbing" incident, since it happened twice, once forward, then > > backwards (or was it backwards, then forward?) was some point where the > > time continuum surned around went the other way. Past became future and future > > became past, or....or....oh, God help me.....I'm really confused here...... > > > > Any comments on this? > > > > Ron Morgan > >