Subject: Re: gnimliF sdrawkcaB From: (Synth F. Oberheim) Date: 1991-06-27, 08:36 Newsgroups: (Jon Blum) writes: > >Seems to me that not nearly as much of the redroom sequence was backwards as > >I first thought. The inflections on the dark-Laura's "Meanwhile..." is too > >good to be backwards, and BOB was simply spitting his lines out in a way that > >sounded reversed. Or Fenn and Silva were very quick a memorizing what they were hearing off the videotape monitor. Sherilyn Fenn also had prior experience from the "other" Red Room sequence (Coop's dream) last year ... By contrast, note that (the actress who plays) Annie wasn't doing very well at picking up on it. Her learned backwards-speak was far less articulated. Lynch newcomer ... what can ya do ... :-) =============================================================================== :: :: :: :: :: Synth "Come on, :: :: :: :: :: :: :: (F. Oberheim) Concord!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire your boss! Get out of the rat race forever. Call 24hr msg (505) 764-0621 =============================================================================== "Kids go running for the rich taste of Gamera!"