Subject: Re: LL's Husband From: (Bob Ingria) Date: 1991-06-28, 10:43 Newsgroups: Reply-to: ingria@BBN.COM In article <> (Hazel Sydeserff) writes: But didn't the LL see the giant? Remember at the Roadhouse when Coop saw him in place of the band (Julee thingy's band) and he said "It is happening again"? From the look on Margaret's face, see could she the giant too. Wouldn't she have said something if it had been her dead husband? And don't you think it'd be a bit weird if a lady in ^TP^ had had a husband who looked like Herman Munster???!!!!! :-) Not Herman Munster; Lurch the Butler. Right idea; wrong family. -30- Bob ``One and the same.''