Subject: Quote List abdication (was Re: Quotes list) From: (Chuck Kincaid) Date: 1991-07-01, 05:20 Newsgroups: Hello TP fans, It is with sad regret and many apologies that I announce my departure from the world of I have tried to update the quotes from the last (no, no strike that) most recent showing of twin peaks (we always have to have hope), but time is not a renewable resource. I haven't even had time to read (Aagghhh!) I can't really explain why, suffice it to say that it involves a matter of great national security, a 50-gallon barrel of dill pickles, 2 meg of main memory and a small poodle. The rest is too horrible. I hope that someone will be brave enough to continue the quotes. For those who have been asking for the quotes they are on the ftp site at . I believe this is right. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. Good luck to all of you. Keep the ideas flowing. charles d. kincaid <----###### NeXTmail p.s. David Lynch for Supreme Court Justice