Subject: Re: Decode message? From: h@wpi.WPI.EDU (...elihwnaeM) Date: 1991-07-05, 10:41 Newsgroups: In article joe@zitt (Joe Zitt) writes: > >brian@hplvec.LVLD.HP.COM (Brian Wood) writes: > > >>> >> >It was just a cheap sound effect. One dot, two dots, three dots, four dots. >>> >> >(That "spells" "ETSH".) >> >> >> >> >> >> That's EISH. > > > >Wow, Brian, Wow -- "eish" is, believe it or not, the Hebrew word for "fire". > > > >It is happening again. It is happening again. It is happening again. > >Joe Zitt!kvue!zitt!joe (512)450-1916 when was this spelled out? what was the one two therr four dots thing...? in the season finale? "Doctor, I don't understand...Please explain...why?!?!?!" -- any Dr. Who Companion, quoted from Matt Waterhouse, Adric