Subject: Re: MORE MOVIE NEWS From: Date: 1991-07-16, 17:58 Newsgroups: In article <> (Cool Bean) writes: > >So then is this is? The end? Is there or is there not going to be a > >movie? Seems Twin Peaks fate is as ambiguous as the show. > > > >And what exactly is a huckleberry? Are they any good? A huckleberry is a native american plant that grows well here in Oregon. The fruit is small, purple, sort of like a tart blueberry. Huckleberry pie and pancakes are most excellent. The plant itself is a bush, usually found growing under a canopy of trees in the forest, with a interesting branching habit and small, kind of shiny, green leaves. > > > >--Cool Bean > >-- > >**This is not cultural. > > -- Mark Sweiger Sequent Computer Systems Database Software Engineer 15450 SW Koll Parkway Office: (503)578-4329 Beaverton, Oregon 97006-6063 FAX: (503)578-7569