Subject: Re: the Gazette From: (steven.r.marcovici) Date: 1991-07-23, 09:40 Newsgroups: I received the following letter about a month ago (reprinted here without permission, of course): ------------ The Twin Peaks Gazette P.O. Box 1804 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 June 10, 1991 Dear Subscriber: Due to ABC's cancellation of "Twin Peaks", we will no longer be able to publish the Twin Peaks Gazette monthly. However, our intent is to continue publishing the Gazette periodically, as Lynch/Frost Productions intend to produce a "Twin Peaks" movie, or perhaps a series of feature films. We plan to publish fewer but expanded issues (more inside scoop, more Horne's items) this fall and winter in conjunction with the production of the "Twin Peaks" film. As a subscriber, you should have received three issues of the Gazette (February, March and April, 1991), a Sheriff's Department Coffee Mug and a residence card. If you have not, please write to the Twin Peaks Gazette, P.O Box 1804, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Let us know when you ordered and what you have received, and if you have had a change of address. If you paid for your subscription after May 1, 1991, allow another two weeks for delivery before writing. Please do not contact the 800 number, as the operators cannot expedite your order. We regret that we have had to change our original vision of a monthly issue written in collaboration with the weekly TV shows. However, we anticipate that "Twin Peaks" will continue to live in theater release and that we will be able to continue as the town newspaper. Of course, all subscribers would continue to receive the Gazette in its new, expanded format. Thank you on behalf of of the Twin Peaks Gazette and Lynch/Frost Productions for all your creative submissions and supportive letters. Contest entries are still accepted! It is disappointing that "Twin Peaks" will no longer exist as a television show, but we are taking the practical advice of Gordon Cole to "let a smile be our umbrella." Sincerely, The Twin Peaks Gazette Staff