Subject: Re: My Rambling Regrets... From: (Louise Marks) Date: 1991-07-25, 15:32 Newsgroups: (Steve Dallas) writes: > > I'm a film student at the University of British Columbia, and if anybody Freshman, right? > >wants to discuss Lynch's film work in any of his projects whether it be > >technical or storyline email, please email me. I'd be more than happy to > >converse with anybody who'd like to discuss the meanings of the Planet in > >Eraserhead, the jump-cut to the Big Tuna sign in Wild at Heart, or whatever > >else. > > > > Jabbering about favorite parts and favorite actors just is a little dry for > >me. No offence, hell, I liked Gordon too. And I'm sure you're all fine > >people, Aw shucks, thank you (toe scrape) but discussing levels of weirdness reminds me of that inept forum > > to Kate Bush fans, who just jabber like magpies > >about how cool they think she is because she's wierd. Our little minds can't handle more > > > > So, thanks for the breif parlance folks, I'm outa here. > > And if anybody would like to talk about Lynch solely, then do let me know. You will be sorely missed. Not. -- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / Louise Marks Internet: / / University of Southern California BITNET: marks@uscvm / /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////