Subject: Re: Rocky G and Inane Sub-Plots From: (Rocky J Giovinazzo) Date: 1991-07-28, 15:27 Newsgroups: In article <9107282144.AA26115@cwns2.INS.CWRU.Edu> as215@cleveland.Freenet.Edu writes: > > > >Let's face it, Rocky, little tales like Audrey's utterly > >unoriginal love-affair/deflowering and other such God-awful > >cliches are simply a waste of time and an insult to the intel- > >ligence of _Twin Peaks_ viewers. Now, I very much enjoyed the > >Windom Earle/Black Lodge/White Lodge thread, because it was > >significant -- it was intelligent and compelling. > > > >Just tell me one intelligent thing about Audrey's love > >affair or Nadine's high school romance or Norma's mother, or any > >of the other insipid sub-plots. > > Ok--- I'll concede here on the 3 above subplots-- but there were at least 3 scenes that came out of these that I really enjoyed. The first was Norma's speech to her mother telling her to stop hurting her. The second was Nadine crushing her malted milkshake with her hands. The third was Nadine jumping into bed with Ed & Norma. The first one, although a little corny was sort of moving (after all-- one of the themes in the show was parent/child relationships). The 2nd two made me laugh. Maybe if these subplots weren't so drawn out (and maybe if there hadn't been so many delays between the airings of each episode), they wouldn't have become so tedious. I'm not sure all of the sub-plots deserve total elimination. I don't really understand the point of Audrey's affair. The only thing I can come up with is that maybe Zane fans would tune in. As I said before, (I think) the Civil War business was way too long. The Jean Renault episodes, however, were good IMHO as were the slight diversions with Gordon and other less important characters. Rocky Giovinazzo