Subject: Re: Ubi Game/Cooper connection From: (Barb Miller) Date: 1991-08-05, 19:30 Newsgroups: Reply-to: In article <> (Duncan Smith) writes: D.B.Cooper parachuted from a 727 via the under-tail door over Washington state in the early seventies with a large sum after a robbery. He was never found, although someone claiming to be him was interviewed about 10 years later. This person had severe injuries to his legs and genitals, the claim being that he had landed astride a dead tree. This latter part is probably a hoax. Sorry folks, I can't resist...Looks like we're back to the Fisher King again. Injuries to the legs and genitals--that's exactly what was wrong with him. Of course, he was injured by a weapon (either a sword that broke, or else the lance that was kept with the Grail, this lance supposedly being that which was used to pierce Jesus' side when he was on the cross), and this guy was injured by a dead tree. But then again, if it's Nature who is a player in this story, as it seems to be in Twin Peaks, I could see a dead tree being used as a very appropriate weapon. Alternatively, since the Fisher King supposedly ruled over a waste land, his modern counterpart would most likely land, if not in a desert, then in a dead tree. Lest you all think I'm weirder than I really am, I know I'm talking about apples and oranges here--the story about landing in the dead tree was made up (or related truthfully, you never know) by the D. B. Cooper character, not by the Twin Peaks writers. But it's interesting how these story elements show up all over the place. (Also, I'm probably more sensitive to those elements than usual, since all the Fisher King discussion has caused me to do some more reading on the Grail legend.) And no, I don't really think we could strengthen the tie between Dale Cooper and D. B. Cooper based on this allusion. Barb Miller