Subject: Re: SK's "Golden Years" gets strange? From: unknown@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (The Unknown User) Date: 1991-08-11, 23:57 Newsgroups:, In article <> (Tim Hunter) writes: > >Well, I guess Big Steve and his "Golden Years" colleagues have been noticing > >that nobody's watching the show. Last night's episode surely cranked up the > >strangeness level, didn't it? Our hero's eyes turn green and the sun rises > >again! He sets foot on ground only to cause an earthquake! I would say that > >this kind of plotting would go head-to-head with anything Messrs. Lynch and > >Frost ever came up with for "Twin Peaks." I think it stinks... I have liked the show so far, but think the earthquake & sun bits are too much. It certainly wasn't "realistic" before, but "closer to reality" in a sense.. I can't really explain it, I just feel it's TOO bogus now. I mean working on regeneration efforts is something really being done (I doubt with big green eery lights though!).. I remember reading a few months about some work how some people have regrown tips of their fingers and such and how scientists are looking into it and in the future they may be able to make the body regrow something, much as a starfish regrows a limb.. I realize that and GROWING YOUNGER are totally separate, but they are closer than causing the sun to come up and an earthquake.. bummer... That one guy is still creepy though. -- / Apple IIGS Forever!\ |WANT to help get ULTIMA VI //e or GS written?-mail me. CHEAP CD info-mail me.| \ It's a Late Night World.... Of Love /