Subject: Re: Favorite moments From: mbuck@fibers.uucp Date: 1991-08-12, 14:57 Newsgroups: In article <1cZJ71w164w@bluemoon.uucp>, kbays@bluemoon.uucp (Ken Bays) writes: > > The end of episode 2020, with the ominous still shots of a bunch of TP > > locations (a series of shots that I think may have some yet-unrealized > > significance,) then BOB appearing in the woods. Speaking of these scenes containing "yet-unrealized significance"... I've always felt the same way...that is, that there were mysteries (to be explained later) hidden in, say, the scenes of the hanging traffic lights, etc. But something always bothered me about that. Since TP had so many different directors, I'm now thinking that these seemingly meaningful scenes were more likely to have been the expression of the style of the individual directors. In that case, any hidden meaning would have come solely from the perceiption of the viewer... Hope not, though...I rather like the idea of yet-unexplained meanings...:-) -- ________________________________________________________________________ Michael Buck | (western religious thinking) UUCP: uunet!dg-rtp!ponds!fibers!mbuck | + (healthy attitude towards sex) | ============================== | = (unexplored concept)