Subject: Re: More on THE MOVIE... From: joe@zitt (Joe Zitt) Date: 1991-08-14, 14:51 Newsgroups: zerobeat@intacc.uucp (Ferenc Szabo) writes: > > I know what you mean though; how can you show ANY connective plot tissue > > between Coop/Earl stuff and Laura Palmer stuff in a prequel. In an ideal > > world, where the movie does NOT have to stand alone, but be an integral part > > of the serial this would be easy. Lots of serials have seemingly unrelated > > plot lines that meet and intertwine later. But most likely the POWERS THAT B > > at Hollywood will make sure that the movie must stand on its own and that it > > ISN'T necessary to watch the TV episodes to understand what is going on. It would seem to me that we have a couple of characters who may have been in both places at about that time: BOB and MIKE. They also might tie Teresa into the Renault brothers' coke operations. Laura and Teresa were also both involved in Fleshworld... hmm... I wonder if they might have met. There's also the issue of Cooper's Blue Man (from his autobiography)... It is happening again. It is happening again. It is happening again. Joe Zitt!kvue!zitt!joe (512)450-1916