Subject: Re: More on THE MOVIE... From: (Eric S. Smith) Date: 1991-08-15, 07:33 Newsgroups: Reply-to: In article <1991Aug14.042315.5510@intacc.uucp>, zerobeat@intacc.uucp (Ferenc Szabo) writes: > > > > I know what you mean though; how can you show ANY connective plot tissue > > between Coop/Earl stuff and Laura Palmer stuff in a prequel. In an ideal > > world, where the movie does NOT have to stand alone, but be an integral part > > of the serial this would be easy. Lots of serials have seemingly unrelated > > plot lines that meet and intertwine later. But most likely the POWERS THAT BE > > at Hollywood will make sure that the movie must stand on its own and that it > > ISN'T necessary to watch the TV episodes to understand what is going on. True, but also the Hollywood powers that be probably feel that a TP movie without Cooper, the series' main character, is probably a doomed enterprise. Eric ----- Eric Smith | "We must welcome the future, remembering that | soon it will be the past; and we must respect | the past, remembering that once it was all CI$: 70262,3610 | that was humanly possible." -- George Santayana