Subject: Re: favorite scenes From: (Mark Preece) Date: 1991-08-15, 08:19 Newsgroups: The thing I found most compelling about Twin Peaks was its ability, particularly early in the first season, to make me afraid of the dark in a way I haven't been in years. Thinking about favorite scenes, I initially came up with the usual list: Maddy's murder, the scene in the railroad car (end of 1st episode of 2nd season), and so on. But the more I thought about it, the more I remembered stuff from early on. Remember the scene where Bobby and friend (Mike?) are meeting Leo in the woods to tell him they don't have the money they owe him? It's night, owls are hooting, the flashlight beam is lighting the trees in a spooky way and someone is making noise just beyond its range.... (Remember, this was before Leo became a comedic figure - he seemed intensely evil in a way Windom Earl never was). I didn't keep tapes of TP, so this is all fading memory, but it had an intensity for me at the time that I find quite hard to believe now. Mark.