Subject: Re: Bob/Leland From: (C. D. Tavares) Date: 1991-08-22, 11:20 Newsgroups: In article <56468@apple.Apple.COM>, larryy@Apple.COM (Larry Yaeger) writes: > > Hmm. I never thought that BOB was in any way confined to Leland, only > > that Leland was one of his favorite "vehicles". I thought that BOB > > appeared to (or inside) Laura, at times other than the molestations by > > her father - in the woods, for example. And I thought we were led to > > believe that BOB occasionally inhabited owls for whatever reasons. The OAM said, or at least strongly implied, that BOB needed a human host to work any significant mischief. So it's consistent that BOB could appear to people (in a disembodied fashion) in various places outside Leland. However, although it isn't made clear whether BOB is strictly a "one-car family," the implication is that he is. He has to "pull the ripcord" to leave Leland. The OAM says something about him residing in someone who lived nearby for the past 40 years (weak, but still there). Note that when BOB appears outside Leland, he never actually DOES any mischief aside from maybe scaring somebody. -- --If you believe that I speak for my company, OR write today for my special Investors' Packet...