Subject: Re: Forget the movie! From: tim@muvms3.bitnet (Tim Calvert) Date: 1991-08-26, 01:42 Newsgroups: In article <>, (Charles Blair) writes: > > Just my guess: there won't be a TP movie. The ratings, the cancellation > > of the show, and the traffic on this group all make it clear there just > > isn't enough interest to make it fly. Too bad! Faulty reasoning, seems to me. If TP hadn't been cancelled, there probably wouldn't be a movie (at least not this soon), and if the ratings hadn't been so bad it wouldn't have been cancelled. As for traffic on this group, assuming anyone in Lynch/Frost Productions ever reads this, I doubt they would base a decision to make or not make a movie on how many people discuss a cancelled TV show. Just my 2 cents. -- Tim Calvert BITNET: tim@marshall Marshall University Internet: Huntington, WV Phone: (304)696-3210 FAX: (304)696-3601