Subject: Unfair TV Ratings - Lousy choices From: Date: 1991-08-28, 11:10 Newsgroups: I don't know how many of you have checked out the present type of television the major networks are coming out with these days. (no names of shows, lest I offend) It just seems to me that they are variations on a theme. More of the pie-in-the-face Lucille Ball humor. Understand that I have nothing wrong with Lucille Ball or that type of humor, but since they removed the really interesting shows (30-something, Twin Peaks, etc.) the trend has been toward making shows of less intellectually captivating genre. What does this say about the television audience, that we as television consumers can't handle cerebral humor or intricate plotlines. I don't know about the rest of you, but it hurts me that the basis for a show's greatness is the Neilson families, and the decisions based on them. As far as advertising, it seems to me that the majority of people who watched TP were upper middle class (based on TV guides estimates), so what is the problem? *******Goodnight, Officer Lawnmower!!******** -Hollywood Knights_ Godson