Subject: Re: Good Shows From: brian@hplvec.LVLD.HP.COM (Brian Wood) Date: 1991-09-03, 08:53 Newsgroups: Not again! > >I had to do a School progect on critical TV viewing. During this I realised school project realized >>> OK, maybe in Britain ^^ > >that now that Twin Peaks has been cancelled there is only one show on TV > >that I realy like (by realy like I meen look falwerd to whatching and tape really really mean "look forward to watching and tape > >if I miss not just enjoy when I see it) that is LA if I miss," "..." - that is "L.A. > >Law. I know that the shows I like arn't the shows everyone elce does, but it Law." aren't else > >does seem that there is a lack of quality programing in the US. programming U.S. By the way, I agree with your conclusion, but I think there are several good, thought provoking shows on TV. Brian (self-appointed, ego-maniacal, hypercritical guardian of English) Wood