Subject: Re: Theresa Banks and Laura Palmer From: brian@tadtec.uucp (Brian Kelly) Date: 1991-09-04, 15:18 Newsgroups: In article <> keb3@po.CWRU.Edu (Keith E. Bitely) wrote: > >BOB apparently killed Laura Palmer through Leland. It was the same type of > >murder as Theresa Banks. So, we must assume that Theresa Banks was killed > >by BOB. What we don't know is, was she killed by BOB the spirit or BOB > >inhabiting a host. And, if so, who was this host? Leland? Maybe I just > >don't remember (it seems like it's been so long). If not Leland, then > >who? Just before Leland died, he admitted to Coop that "they made me kill that Banks girl" (Maybe he said that Teresa girl I'm not sure) but he definitely admitted to doing it. Brian